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Invasio Barbarorum Total War

bantivina1973 2020. 3. 2. 20:38

Welcome to Invasio Barbarorum: Restitutor Orbis(Rome: Total War mod) forum, here's some sneak peek preview before we start the faction preview:Figure 1: The Praetorian Guard may lost their influence during the 3rd Century AD but they still exist with a different look, Scale mail, Heddernheim Helmet, hasta, spatha and scutum have become standard armament for the Praetorian Guard.Figure 2: Although Auxiliary in the 3rd Century AD use the same armament like the Legionaries but they cannot replace the legionaries. This unit was armed with Niederbieber Helmet with neck guard, scale mail or sometimes chain mail, his main armament consists of veruta and hasta.Figure 3: Primani Legionary from the Eastern Province of Rome, his main armament consists of hasta, spatha and a rectangular scutum. His wears a mail coif, Lorica Segmentata, leg greaves and lorica manica for additional protection.Figure 4: Principes Legionnaire armed themselves with a 3rd Century pilum or spiculum and spatha for main armament, his armor consists of scale mail and sometimes chain mail or Lorica Segmentata. He wears a Heddernheim Helmet and carries oval shield.Figure 5: Primani Legionary from the Eastern Province with a different look, his armor consist of mail coif over his head and chain mail with scale cuirass. His armament consists of hasta, spatha, and a rectangular scutum and he also armed himself with leg greaves and lorica manica for extra protection.Figure 6: Another example of a Primani Legionary, he wears a Heddernheim Helmet and carries oval shaped scutum, his armor consists of scale mail, leg greaves and lorica manica. Exactly,first campaign of the mod focus on 3rd century crisis, and Aurelian's struggle to reunite the Empire by defeating the Palmyrene Empire and the Gallic Empire, as well as repelling the barbarian hordes from Roman territory.

Invasio Barbarorum Total War

Rome Total War Mods

Second campaign starts 311 AD and the dissolution of the tetrarchy and eventually the rise of Constantine the Great and Christianity.Now, i offer you the first preview: The Palmyrene EmpireFigure 1: Palmyran regular foot archers, many Palmyran archers served in Roman army and he could probably regular Roman soldier in Palmyran service. He's armament consists of a powerful composite bow and sword.Figure 2: Palmyran heavy infantry, his armor consists of mail coif and chain mail and armed with a Roman spatha and pilum plus a reinforced wicker shield.